
What is the Bruno Comby Institute?

The Bruno Comby Institute is a non-profit association whose objective is to “promote scientific research and the promotion of public health, medical prevention and a better way of life, to improve the health of individuals and companies, for the preservation of the environment and the improvement of living conditions “(extract from the statutes of the BCI).

The BCI is well known for its work in educating the public on smoking prevention, for its pioneering scientific research on the benefits of naps, on nutritional prevention, and finally for its work on the prevention and management of stress. in the workplace.

The BCI developed the first devices to measure nervous tremor at rest (measurement by accelerometry of low-amplitude human or animal tremor at rest).

Bruno Comby perfected in the 1980s a measurement technique derived from seismography (fine measurement of earthquakes), developing a new type of accelerometric sensor, more precise than those used in seismography, perfectly suited to the medical measurement of human tremor. .

This innovative and patented process made it possible to carry out the first scientific studies in France and Japan, measuring nervous tremor at rest (TNR).

This electronic tremor measurement system developed by the BCI is now used by neurological teams at the forefront of medical research in France and Japan, by hospitals, clinics and pharmaceutical laboratories, for the evaluation of nervous disorders linked to stress, for monitoring addictions and withdrawal from tobacco, alcohol and neuroactive substances (nicotine and caffeine leading to an elevation of TNR).

This system is also used for the evaluation of physiological stress (adrenaline causing an elevation of TNR) as well as for the early detection of certain pathologies of the nervous system causing tremor (Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer in particular) thus allowing better prevention, earlier detection and more effective management of these neurological disorders.